Saturday, March 18, 2006

Trafalgar Square Today

Stop the War Coalition

The above link should be updated shortly - I seem to be ahead of them.

Around three and a half years ago I joined over a million people in Hyde Park to protest against the looming war with Iraq. Oblivious to common sense, the Prime Preacher ignored the public mood and pursued his agenda regardless. Most of the predictions made by speakers at that event have now come true as we remain bogged down within a culture we barely understand. I remember the demonstration most because it was a freezing winter day and I caught a chill which laid me under for a week or more.

Today was a slight case of deja vue. I've just returned after spending four hours or so with approximately 100,000 people who marched to Trafalgar Square in equally cold conditions. At least the sun came out for us.

Of as much concern now is the possibility of an impending war with Iran and the inability of the international community to prevent Israel colonising what's left of Palestine. Obviously, our withdrawl from Iraq was on the agenda too.

The quality of speakers was exceptional and wide-ranging. Highlights were mostly the usual suspects - Bruce Kent, Tony Benn, Piers Morgan, George Galloway, Ken Livingstone and Brian Eno, amongst countless others. A fine surprise was Julie Felix who ended the day with some harsh musical words for our planet's corporate war-mongers.

I've posted my own PHOTO GALLERY for your interest - the pictures aren't all as clear as hoped because I lingered in the crowd too long to secure a decent place to snap the speakers. I've no doubt video and audio will be popping up elsewhere soon - there was plenty of recording going on. Links to follow as I find them.

Whether the mainstream media has the decency to cover it remains to be seen. There were enough people to justify coverage but the main channels were not to be seen. The rolling BBC news service, "News 24" has no mention at all as I write. If there is any coverage here in the UK it will probably be on Channel 4 - but don't hold your breath for it! Lack of media attention to the anti-war campaign was one of the topics most criticised today, despite the otherwise high-profile of many concerned in the movement.


1 comment:

the void said...

100,000! not even close, sorry Mal but thats just SWP propaganda

as was pointed out on urban 75 by arch scientist laptop (will find the quote later if yoy like , the boards are down right now)taking into account the whole of the square including all the surrounding roadspace (which were full of cars) then if there were 100,000 people that would imply a minimum of 20 people per square metre!!!

Will be posting my report later, except to say I found the whole thing a dismal, depressing affair..on another subject i quoted your revolionary tirade you posted earlier under 'optimism', is on my front page here

laters jv