Monday, August 07, 2006

Timeline: Point Zero?

A reminder of a news item from back in June. I linked to the full uncensored footage at the time.

There is an increasing tendency for the news media to anchor the current hostilities in the Lebanon to a fixed timeline that begins with the Palestinian (and subsequent Hezbollah) kidnapping of Israhelli servicemen. I would contens still that it was the events in this report that led to the Palestinian action, which, contrary to poular reports, actually occured when the soldier in question was on Palestinian soil. Details in "latest clicks". The later action by Hezbollah can be seen as an act of solidarity which also be seen as a bargaining chip for the release of countless Lebanese and Palestinian civilians previously kidnapped and incarcerated by Israel.

Neither party realised that Israhelli/Amerikan planners were just waiting for such events as an excuse to trigger a conflict which would shift the focus of power in the region further in their favour.

Today, the UN will try to vote on a halk-hearted, Israeli-supporting resolution. Also today, the Arab league are in emergency meeting in Beruit itself - albiet under fire from the Israelis. Finally (see "latest clicks" again) Syria is said to be on the verge of an alliance with Hezbollah which would effectively extend the war front to all Israel's land borders.

Where it goes from there is anyone's guess.


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