Wednesday, October 19, 2005

On The Road to Plastic Anarchy

Independent Online

Yesterday the UK government pushed through the first steps of legislation to introduce its controversial ID cards. As this link points out, it was a shallow victory. They only mustered a majority of 25 MPs and look set for greater rebellion as the bill progresses. Interestingly, the Microsoft corporation (no stranger to big-brother style snooping themeslevs) also warn that this is the first step on a path toward future fraud and anarchy. SEE HERE.

It would make far more sense and be far less costly to bring in some kind of "chip and pin" system like that used by credit card companies. Such a card could allow us all to access the personal information we are entitled to see under the Data Protection Act and could be compatible with a standard computer card-reader so we can interact with government services online if required. If the card was lost or stolen, it could then be cancelled and replaced. Futhermore, if needs must and our civil liberties were not threatened, the disclosure of the PIN could be required by the police and security services under existing law to confirm our identity and the PIN itself could be surrendered using the same kind on technology now seen at vitually every supermarket check-out.

Even if fingerprints, iris scans, dental records and the like are to be compulsory future identity requirements, the information can still be held on an online database linked to the card. I would certainly rather that than the thought I carry it all on my person with the prospect of my entire existence being wiped out if it was mislaid or acquired by someone else.

There is also a "worst case scenario" where environmental and terrorist threats may someday result in the disruption of modern technological communications. A secured data hub with remote backups would surely offer a faster route to social and economic recovery than millions of displaced people wandering around with defunct ID cards tied to a non-functioning closed system.

It is time the power-brokers of this world were reminded that they exist to serve us. We do not exist to serve them or their control fantasies.


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