Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"What began as a miracle substance subsequently became a youth cult drug, and thus a political danger for America."

LSD Chemist Wants Drug Ban Eased

The words of Albert Hofmann as he celebrates his 100 birthday in Switzerland today. See link yesterday for a full profile. See link above for today's take at CBS.

Hofmann used the occasion to speak out against the continuance of LSD prohibition for medical purposes. He believes its use in psychoanalysis can be a therapeutic experience and that outlawing its use was a result of the political motivations of a paranoid government unable to cope with a generational shift in the 1960s.

Also, for a different take on the making of the evil empire, click here. Op-Eds also ask Why do Christians need so much "Saving" anyway? and Whatever happened to the Bush "integrity" thing? Not that we really need to ask.

HEALTH WARNING: The author suggests you use extreme caution before considering the use of LSD whilst also under the influence of bush. It may seriously damage your perceptions.


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