Friday, September 01, 2006

Imperial Idiot Rallies the Ignorant

Bush Speech Links Iraq War And Nazis

Too dumb to think it up for himself, Bush has been quick to take up Rumsfeld's linkage between the Iraq War and Nazi Germany, little realising that fascism is alive and unwell in the form of his own administration.

The tour of course is designed to bolster support ready for the 911 anniversary and the mid-term elections which follow soon after. Like the visit to New Orleans, it's all carefully choreographed - speeches delivered in "friendly" environments with selected audiences and cameras locked on the symbols of implied authority. In New orleans, the cameras scanned a couple of feet short of the devastation in the background and here in Utah the Amerikan Legion listened passively as no hint of the nearby protesters was allowed.

The message is devoid of meaning, let alone sense, but the packaging is paramount. As formerly compliant Democrats endure the birth-pangs of re-learning how to express themselves, dissenting voices are suddenly stifled in an onslaught of propaganda designed solely to suggest "they" are "friends" of the never clearly defined enemy and, as such, are unfit spokesmen for the supreme nation.

It is all illusion, but all the more dangerous for that. His ratings may be at an all-time low and trust in his administration very hard to find, but Bush is adpept at one thing - playing the dumbed-down populist card with intellectually-challenged middle Amerika. By manipulating the media machine to deny the credibility of any challengers, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the other puppeteers present Bush as the sole saving grace of heavily-disguised futile pursuit.

Believing the spin and blind to the alternatives, the obidient neo-religious and neo-conservatives masses will be minded to opt for a continuence of the status quo. That is the real danger - a theatrical fraud perpetrated in self-interest by a failed presidency.

It is a scam that any free-thinking, sensible person would decry without hesitation. One can only hope that enough such individuals remain in Amerika to render this appalling performance pointless.


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