Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Blood Red Cross

Red Cross ambulances destroyed in Israeli air strike on rescue mission

It is now being described as "The War without Rules". Israel's onslaught in the Lebanon has taken innumerable civilian lives - both residents and foreigners. It must be a first for conflict over a national boundary where no warning signs were given and no opportunity allowed for visitors to escape. Some of the very first innocent victims were Canadians! One wonders why Canada did not interpret this as an act of war against itself?

Since the conflict began, consensus has acknowledged that war crimes are being committed here. Problem is, that other global bully, Bush, thoroughly approves of it all - indeed, he set the recent precedents himself. Nobody wants to take on the imperial might of Amerika - even though it is militarily and financially over-stretched, literally bankrupt in both the fiscal and moral sense. The UN remains impotent and the Geneva Convention can go to hell - or "Israehell" as many commentators have taken to calling it.

The above link to today's Guardian covers the attack on Red Cross ambulances yesterday. Ambulances? That's a plural. It is clear this was no accident and that Israehell (I concurr!) has no conscience or regard for those attempting to extricate themselves from the battlefields. Such indiscrimate murder, on such a massive scale, comes very close to what we would normally consider akin to genocide. That it is being perpetrated by a people the world acted to save from such a fate themselves, is an insult to, and an act of treachery aginst, the global community itself.

An act of compensation for the victims of a 20th century atrocity has created an equally dark regime. The crimes are multifold. The betrayal absolute. Is it any wonder that there are those who question whether such a nation has a right to exist? In barely more than half a century of existence, it's uncaring self-obsession has bred the hatred that now fuels the forces that seek to tether its expansion. The global acts of terrorism that seemingly threaten the whole world today are also in large part the result of the major world powers giving tacit support to an essentially evil regime.

The more this injustice is perpetrated, the more its undoing will need to be absolute. If the world stands aside, its interest restricted to voyeurism and appeasement of the conquerers, it will be watering the seeds of the very future they claim to dread.

In Australia, Richard Neville's troubled venture, JohnHowardPmOrg is finally up and running again. A fine portal which, despite the name, should be of interest worldwide. Richard aslo has a piece on the Lebanon at his own site.

A White House press release also seems to indicate that Amerika wants Israehell to attack Syria too. Is a Zionist control of Amerika almost complete? Danger - Legacy ahead! So what were you saying Condi?

The Guardian also reports that around Two-thirds of British voters want Blair to get his nose out of Bush's ass and serve his own country. Now there's a thought!


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